The Indian Administrative Service usually abbreviated as I.A.S or simply IAS, is the administrative arm of the All India Services. The service is considered to be the premier civil service in India. IAS (Indian Administrative Service) examination is considered to be the most honored and well-coordinated exams held in India. IAS exam is always addressed as civil service exams. The age limit for a candidate to undertake this exam is between 21 and 32 as on the 1st August every year. The number of attempts varies according to the caste of the registered candidates. Candidates are instructed initially to appear for the Preliminary exam before the results of their previous year UPSC CSE.
Significance of IAS training centre in Chennai
There are many good IAS Coaching Centers in Chennai to train candidates and makes sure that they are well prepared before they appear for the exams. The Candidate who gets placed as an IAS officer is guaranteed a good accommodation and a peaceful life when compared to the other government employees. The salary of the officer, facilities and powers is like an icing on a cake as it is one of the prestigious post across the country. There are so many students who aspire to become district collectors and IAS officers. If we surf through the internet, we can find good coaching centers who specialize in civil service training services. With the right approach in mind and a focused strategy, a candidate can easily crack these exams. We have to make sure the student possess the necessary knowledge about the requirements of the exam which includes syllabus, application procedure, eligibility criteria, etc.
UPSC Syllabus Overview
IAS exams have two stages namely the Preliminary examination (objective type) and Main examination.
(a) Stage 1- The first stage is the Preliminary examination. The questions are basically in objective type or multiple choice questions. It is important to note that there will be negative marking for all the wrong answers. Negative marking includes 1/3rd of the allotted marks. The UPSC syllabus for preliminary exam prepares you in facing any government exam. The initial stages usually consist of two papers namely the General Studies and the General Studies (CSAT). The GS Paper 2 (CSAT) is a qualifying paper and the students have to secure a minimum of 33% in this paper to precede to the next stage i.e. the Civil Service Main exams. Blind candidates are given extra 20 minutes for each paper in the prelims. For the evaluation, it is necessary for the candidates to appear for both the papers in the preliminary exam. The marks secured by the candidates in the preliminary exam are not taken into consideration during evaluation of the final score.
(b) Stage 2- A Civil Service Main exam comprises of nine papers. The following are the papers that are included in the main exam.
Paper 1- It is a language paper selected by the candidate which consist of 300 questions.
Paper 2- It is an English paper consisting of 300 questions.
Paper 3- It consist of answering essay type questions of 200 marks.
Paper 4 and 5- It is a 300 mark paper related to general studies.
Paper 6 to 9- It is an optional paper chosen by the candidate.
UPSC Syllabus – A Synopsis
Some of the optional Upsc Syllabus given to the candidate is Commerce, Economics, Indian history, Sociology, Mathematics, Statistics, Zoology, etc. Students are allowed to choose their own medium of writing like English, Hindi or any other regional languages. The candidate is finally evaluated on the basis of the mark obtained in the Main examination and Personality test conducted by Union Public service commission
Coaching Centres – A necessity than Luxury
(c) Stage 3- The final and the last stage is the Personality test. The student is evaluated on his/her intelligence, balance of mind and personal qualities like honesty, leadership, etc. The top IAS Coaching Centres trains students with grit and determination so that they come out in flying colours. The marks secured in the interview are very crucial for a student to get into the merit list. Students who have scored 55% in the interview struggle to get into the final stages. It is important that the selected candidates fulfil their nationality duty. A candidate with any bachelor degree can take up the civil service exams. The students must be well prepared before they appear for the exam. It is necessary for a student to face the exams with confidence and determination.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many attempts can one give to the CSE exam?
There is a set of rules governing the UPSC CSE examination. A candidate can appear for the IAS examination only for a specific number of times. Candidates belonging to the General category can appear for the IAS exam only for four times within their age limit. Likewise, candidates belonging to the OBC category can appear for the IAS examination only seven times. However, for the SC/ST candidates, there is an exemption as they can appear for the IAS examination as many times as they want until they reach 37 years of age. Remember that appearing for one paper in the Prelims exam is also considered an attempt.
Do physically handicapped candidates have any relaxation in the number of attempts?
The physically handicapped person should have a disability of 40% or more. A physically handicapped candidate belonging to the general category is eligible for 7 attempts. The maximum number of attempt for a physically handicapped belonging to SC, ST and OBC categories who want to appear in IAS examination is 9 times. The maximum age limit which is required for the candidate to appear in the IAS examination is 45 years. There is an age relaxation of 10 to 15 years according to your disability and you are exempted from fees also. However, for others, there is no such exemption.
Can a candidate who has graduated from an open school or university apply for UPSC CSE examination?
Yes, the candidate who has completed education from an open school or university can apply for the Commission’s examination provided that the candidate has passed a Bachelor degree from any of Indian universities or equivalent qualification from any recognized university. The minimum educational qualification required to apply for the Commission’s examination is a bachelor’s degree. There are some open universities such as NIOS and IGNOU which are recognized by the government of India. The candidates from these universities are capable to apply for the Commission’s examination. It is important to have completed the graduation from a recognized university, be it any field.
Do the evaluation standard different based on the language in which the IAS exam in written?
No, the evaluation standard is the same for the IAS examination irrespective of the language or medium. As per the rules set by UPSC, a paper can be written in English or any Indian regional language recognized by the board. In that case, the medium or language in which the exam has been written does not affect the evaluation standards. Candidates are allowed to choose different languages to make them feel comfortable and confident while answering the UPSC CSE examination. And, it is not mandatory to appear for the IAS examination in any specific language or medium.
Can a candidate know the ‘question-wise ‘marks for a paper?
In a competitive examination, the absolute performance of a candidate is not relevant. It is the relative performance that determines if the candidate is qualified or not. And if the candidate qualifies, the candidate position in the merit list. The process of evaluation is not complete after the initial assessment by the examiner. Moderation is applied on the total marks initially given and not on a per question basis. So, when the evaluation process is done, neither question-wise marks or raw-marks subsist. At the end of the assessment process, it is only the total marks of the candidate in the paper that matters. The total marks are made available to the candidate on the UPSC website.
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