Dr R. K. Raghavan

IPS (Retd.)

Former CBI Director

Dr.Raghavan belongs to 1973 batch of Indian Police Service,Tamil Nadu Cadre.He retired in 2001 from the post of Director of Central Bureau of Investigation,the vital arm of governance to ensure probity in public service.In his illustrious career spanning over 38 years,he investigated such high profile cases like South Africa cricket match fixing scandals etc. He also headed the Special Investigation team to enquire into vital cases.His competent handling of the investigations earned encomiums from the Supreme Court. He functioned as the Director General of Vigilance in Tamil Nadu and was instrumental in ensuring probity in public service. He headed Interpol in India, and set up India’s first cyber crime investigation cell.dr. Raghavan is recipient of Indian Police Medal for Meritorious Service and the President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service.After retirement, Dr.Raghavan functioned as the Corporate Security adviser to major organizations like TCS.
His academic achievements are equally impressive. He is a post graduate in Politics and Public Administration, M.S. in Criminal Justice from Temple University of Philadelphia and Ph.D. in Political Science. He has authored books like Indian Police: Planning, Personnel and Perspectives and Policing a Democracy.His informative and lucid articles in newspaper and journals are very popular.

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