Shri. K. S. Shripathi, former Chief Secretary to Tamil Nadu, had a brilliant academic career with a Post Graduate in Science & Business Administration. He joined IAS in 1975 in TN Cadre. He had held several vital and critical posts both in Tamil Nadu Government & Central Government. At the centre, he played a sterling role as the author of National Housing Policy & National Urban Transport Policy, besides making contribution in many important areas in Tamil Nadu Government. He held high profile posts, leaving his indelible mark wherever he was posted. Like Chairman of TAMIN, vigilance Commissioner, Chief Information Commissioner, ending his illustrious career as the Chief Secretary of Tamil Nadu. Monumental building and centres like Anna Library, etc. bear testimonies to his capabilities. In the International arena, he played a significant role as India’s representative and as chairman of ESCAT sessions. He has been an avid traveller travelling both to northern and southern inhabited places in the world. He is deeply committed to social welfare and services. Presently, he is the chairman of Guild of Service, an umbrella organization of 22 service institutions.