Dr A. Kalanidhi, MSC, BE, Ph.d, DSC, FICC Vice Chairman, Commonwealth Science and Technology Academy for Research is an outstanding Academician & Administrator and rendered yeoman service in the field of Technical Education, and Renewable Resources of Energy, in particular IT and IT enabled services. Professor Adinarayana Kalanidhi took his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Master’s Degree in Heat Power Engineering, and a Doctorate in Heat Transfer from the University of Madras. He has done his postdoctoral research at Southampton University, United Kingdom. He played a key role as the Director of Continuing Education Programme of AICTE-CEP (a Government of India Project) at Bangalore. He developed the credit system of the short-term courses being offered for the working professional in the year 1995, which the Planning Commission also recognized and incorporated in its IT task force recommendations.